Our commission is to build a youth group who loves the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart, soul, mind, and spirit. To build friendships that will last a lifetime. To bring unity among young people from different backgrounds.
1. To reach out to young people (to be there for them.)
2. To teach them about the Lord
3. To keep them active (physically and spiritually)

Students want to learn from people who care about them; they want to be discovered and known. When youth ministries create opportunities for students to step into meaningful relationships with adult believers, they lay a foundation for both evangelism and discipleship.
Within our Ministry, we have a goal to bring young people together in a life of faith, action and fellowship, and address spiritual, emotional, and social needs unique to youth. We want to create a safe and nurturing space for teenagers to gather together and share their joys and concerns with each other and with caring adults.
With everything we do, we hope that both youth and adults will be able to build meaningful relationships with each other and with God. Through worship and conversation we explore our faith and equip the youth with what it takes to live a Christ-filled life.