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The Missions Ministry at Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church is to serve as God's witnesses or ambassadors to people who are in need, through discipleship, outreach, teaching, preaching, community development, praise and worship. We believe that we are to minister to the needs of the total person following the model of Jesus Christ and to lift his name throughout our community and the world. We perform outreach for our surrounding counties by collecting can goods and clothing for the needy. We participate in Women’s Ministries in surrounding counties.

Since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, God has been passionate about the mission of pursuing and redeeming lost mankind to Himself, so that His glory will be known in all the earth. And because of His amazing grace to us, He invites us into this eternal, global mission as well. When we use the word “missions,” we’re really referring to the privilege we have of living “on mission” with God every day.
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