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The Audio Ministry is a service ministry to the Pastor, congregation, and sick and shut-ins. Those in this ministry have a passion for using technology as a means of recording and sharing God's Word. This ministry also has the responsibility of managing the sound system for the various services of the church. CD's of individual sermons and packaged series are available.
We provide duplications of the sermon on CD's. The ministry also provides past messages on CD, sermon series from past events and revivals. Audio CDs can be purchased following every worship service in the Audio room, located in the church sanctuary.
We welcome anyone member at Mt. Pleasant that meet the following requirements: consistent Bible study; dedicated to their commitment of Christian service; accountability; willing to sacrifice a part of the
worship service; long distance runners.
"So that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the
Word of God. But I say, Have they not heard?
Yes verily, their sound went into all earth,
and their words unto the ends of the world." Romans 10:17-18
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